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SLUSS2 100Kruhový tlumič hluku pro ZOKT

SLUSS2 100 is a circular straight silencer with a connection diameter available between 315 - 800 mm. For smaller sizes, see SLUSS2 50.

Nominal insulation thickness 100 mm. Attenuation material is mineral wool. The SLUSS2's are made of an outer spiral seemed tube and an inner tube made of perforated sheet steel. The space between them is filled with mineral wool and a fibre cloth is inserted between the perforated sheet metal and the attenuation material, to prevent damage to the insulation material and fibers from getting into the duct system.

Tested according to ISO 7235 standard.

The product is CE marked according to EN 12101-7 and used in a circular smoke control system - single compartment (see declaration of performance).
